I need to post on one of my greatest blessings: Andrew. It was his birthday last week. We all love Andrew. He is unique. Here are some of his positive qualities:
He cares about others. Andrew sticks up for the under dog. He's also very protective of his sister and brother.
He is honest; he confesses when he's done something naughty. Luckily he also tells me about some of his bright ideas- like his plans to jump off the deck onto the mini exercise tramp, or trying to fly off the deck using paper plates for wings. (His dad warned him, from his own personal experience, that a tarp doesn't make a good parachute either.)
He loves to learn. Andrew is like a sponge- he asks question after question and just soaks in the answers. Right now he especially likes to learn about robots, fish, bugs, plants... It's amazing to me how he can remember what he learns and picks up on things so quickly. He definitely didn't get that from his mom.
He is creative. Andrew is someone who always has ideas about something. This is also one of the traits that can drive me crazy. He makes all kinds of robots using things around the house: batteries, light bulbs (from the night lights), wires (that he cuts from my USB cord), papers, flashlights, water, plants, tinker toys, paper plates, straws, screws, legos, and any other random thing laying around the house.
He is a spiritual boy. Andrew likes to learn about God, the purpose of life, scripture stories... he prays often and about almost everything. He has a lot of faith. He is a good example to me.
Since this is about Andrew, I'm going to have him share some things about his past year of life.
Things that made me happy this year: I got a camera before my birthday, I went to swimming lessons ( I like floating on my back). I went to kindergarten- I like science, special events, reading with my teacher, and I got to have a break on winter. I went to my friend Zac's birthday party. I like summer vacation.
Somethings that I didn't like this year: I went to Teague's party and they all fought. Braydon squeezed my neck at school. Braydon was mean to me at school and Hatch teased me on the bus.
robots, robot arm, telescope, magnifying glass, camera
My mom and dad came up for Andrew's birthday. We went miniature golfing and to Chuck-E- Cheese. His great grandma came to visit him on his birthday. His other great grandparents sent him a present that he has wanted for a long time (the camera). Grandma Bobby and Grandpa Art took Andrew out to lunch, spent the day with him.
I hope my Andrew knows how blessed he is to have wonderful grandparents and great grandparents on both sides. They are so good to us. I know we sometimes take them for granted. I am definitly blessed to have such a sweet boy and wonderful family. I love them all.
I hope my Andrew knows how blessed he is to have wonderful grandparents and great grandparents on both sides. They are so good to us. I know we sometimes take them for granted. I am definitly blessed to have such a sweet boy and wonderful family. I love them all.
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