Once again, I've slacked on the blog. This is something I've been meaning to post for a long time. As most of the few of you that read this know, my parents went on a mission to Chile in September. When they called with the news where they were going, I tried to sound excited for them. After I hung up, I just broke down and cried and cried. Tavish, who doesn't know what to do with a crying wife, quickly ran over to the computer and said, "Its ok, we can visit them! It's only a 14 hr plane ride and... $1300 per ticket!" Yeah- not comforting. I really should be happy about this, and I am happy that they are serving the Lord and having this experience. But, oh how I miss them. My brothers and sisters do too. When people ask me about them and how wonderful it is they are on a mission, I just want to cry, "Waaa! This is wonderful, but not for me! I want them here! I need them! Waaaaa!" Hey, I'm just telling you how I really feel here. So, I may be a wimp, but it's been hard. Christmas time was especially hard. We spent a lot of time with Tavish's family, who I love, but just had this aching to be with my family too. When my sisters in law weren't there because they were with their family, I just wished I could do that too. I thought, "How lucky you are to go home and see your mom."
Anyway, I'm not going to go on sitting on the pity potty any more here, because I know this is really a blessing, so here it is:
1- I have become more aware and sympathetic of my family and friends that have lost a parent. I realized at Christmas, that while I have enjoyed being with my family every year, they probably have this aching to be with their parents, and I haven't even thought about it. I'm a jerk. And not just Christmas, but birthdays, anniversaries, vacations, and just random times.
2- My children have super great examples of their Grandparents who love the Lord. They sacrificed being with their most favorite and loved people (the grandkids of course) to share the gospel. How important it must be to them.
3- My parents are being strengthened- spiritually, emotionally, socially, even physically. I know I always thought that they were pretty much some of the strongest people I know, but I guess there's always room to grow, no matter how strong or old you are.
4- My parents are helping others, but they've always done that.
5- I feel closer to my brothers and sisters; we all understand how it is to be without them and want to be there for each other.
6- I appreciate and love Mom and Dad even more.
So, Mom and Dad- you are my blessing of the day and always. Thank you for being such great examples to us.
Happy Holidays and New Year from 2024!
1 month ago