About a month ago, the Relief Society president asked us in our meeting to think of and get some inspiration for a visiting teaching conference. I learned in my mission (where I learned everything) the importance of visiting teaching and what an inspired program it is. I'm not saying I'm the best visiting teacher in the world, but I know that it really is one of the most important callings we have in the church, so I feel super guilty when I don't do it. This is one of the things our ward struggles with.
Anyway, I was thinking and praying for ideas to help inspire the ladies a little more to go out and do their visiting teaching. You can't make people do things right? So I thought the best way to help someone want to do something was create something where the spirit would maybe touch their hearts and they would think, "I need to do this." So, I came up with the idea to make a video with interviews from some of the sisters in our ward who are super visiting teachers and some who have super visiting teachers to share some of their experiences- along with pictures of sisters in our ward and clips from the church. I thought it was a great idea and that I'd gotten inspiration. Long story shorter- someone in our next meeting didn't like that idea- and of course that hurt my feelings. Tavish told me that I can't get offended every time someone doesn't agree with me- hmm I try. Anyway, the president said yes to my idea and we went for it. After many technical difficulties and lots of time, I got it made. It turned out very nice and spiritual- I think.
We played it at our Super Saturday; I was so nervous about what the sisters would think of it all. (I know I'm silly to stress over these things). After we played it we got many positive comments on it, and a few ladies from some other wards heard about it and got copies of it to do something like it in their wards. So, after much worry and stress on my part, it turned out. And believe it or not, our visiting teaching numbers this month were higher than they have ever been since I've been in. I'm not saying a video made our numbers go up so much, but maybe the spirit did help inspire a few people. I would love to put the video on here, but I would have to get the permission from too many people, but I'll try to put a link to the church clips we put in it. Click here to see the videos- we included the Hands one and the one by Julie Beck in our video.
So- that's how I've seen the hand of the Lord in my life- he helps me with my calling and helped me remember to do my own visiting teaching this month. :)
Happy Holidays and New Year from 2024!
1 month ago